Sometimes There Isn’t Time to Write…

The day after I posted “Let’s Go Out to the Movies”, my dear wife had a bad fall on the stairs and landed hard on her left foot. She broke a metatarsal and inflicted a nasty bone bruise on her ankle, which swelled up immediately. Consequently, she was effectively immobilized for several days, and even after that, she was not capable of doing any farm chores or much around the house. It’s only in the past few days that she’s been able to start helping around the place once again.

Obviously, I needed to step up and be nurse, housekeeper, extra farmhand and what-not as she healed. That pretty meant I had little time for writing during August.

In fact, I didn’t even make it to the Critiquing meeting where In the Fun Room was to be discussed. The gang e-mailed their critiques, and it seemed there were some recurring issues about point of view and certain plot points. I haven’t gone back to edit the story just yet, but will attempt to do so in September.

I did take advantage of bus rides to/from work to start on a couple of stories, though. There’s one about a dragon hoard that I’ve started three times because I can’t settle on the precise tone for the story. There’s also the action/horror piece I wrote about last time. Got an opening scene draft there, and am just scratching my head over some scene sequencing before I continue.

At least I got some submissions out. I took a few minutes to review my meta-data spreadsheet and figured I had seven stories that were ready for instant submission to the right anthologies, then identified eight markets that one or more might fit. Naturally, there were a couple of cases where I thought the same story fit two or three anthos, and since most editors don’t care for simultaneous submissions, I had to prioritize. I ended up sending in Sponges, Men in Black Parkas, One Last Dance and Huntin’ Rabbit, and am still waiting to hear back on three of them. Sometime this weekend, I’ll fire out another submission and see how it fares.

How was your August?

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